Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (short version)
Compliance rules
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma is the most common neoplasm of the lymphatic system. It originates from mature B cells and rapidly leads to death if left untreated. Rapidly progressive lymph node enlargement and/or extranodal manifestations as well as general symptoms (B-symptoms) are characteristic.
The individual prognosis can be estimated using the International Prognostic Index.
The therapeutic goal is curative. First-line therapy consists of 6-8 cycles of the R-CHOP protocol or, depending on the risk profile, R-CHOP-like protocols. In early stages in the absence of risk factors, a reduction of treatment cycles is possible. The role of radiation has not been definitively determined. Other unresolved issues such as prognosis- or response-driven therapy, the value of more intensive treatment protocols, or the efficacy of new agents are the subject of prospective clinical trials.
The cure rate of patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma is approximately 60-70%.
The current treatment algorithm is depicted in Figure 1.
* Involved site radiotherapy should be considered for circumscribed PET positive residual lymphoma.
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10Active studies
11Systemic Therapy – Protocols
12Study results
13Certification Status
Conflicts of interest can be found in the full German version of the guideline.
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